Published and Accepted Research

"Identification and Inference in First-Price Auctions with Risk Averse Bidders and Selective Entry," with Xiaohong Chen, Tong Li and Jingfeng Lu. Accepted, Review of Economic Studies. (See also: 2017 version exploring semiparametric sensitivity analysis with a parametric signal-value copula.)

"Preferences and Performance in Simultaneous First-Price Auctions: A Structural Analysis," with Tatiana Komarova and Pasquale Schiraldi. Review of Economic Studies, 90:2, 2023.

"Pricing with Bargain Hunting Consumers," with Martin Pesendorfer. Games and Economic Behavior 129, 2021.

"On Monotone Strategy Equilibria in Simultaneous Auctions for Complementary Goods," with Tatiana Komarova, Pasquale Schiraldi, and Wiroy Shin. Journal of Mathematical Economics 85:C, 2020.

"Entry and Competition in Takeover Auctions," with Caleb Stroup. Journal of Financial Economics 132:2, 2019.

"Structural Econometrics of Auctions: A Review," with Timothy P. Hubbard, Denis Nekipelov, and Harry J. Paarsh. Foundations and Trends in Economics 9:2-4, 2018.

"Auctions with Selective Entry," with Tong Li and Jingfeng Lu. Games and Economic Behavior 105, 2017.

"Existence of Monotone Equilibrium in First Price Auctions with Private Risk Aversion and Private Initial Wealth," with Tong Li and Jingfeng Lu. Games and Economic Behavior 91, 2015.

"Identification in Auctions with Selective Entry," with Tong Li. Econometrica 82, 2014.

"A New Class of Estimators for Moment Condition Models," with Yanqin Fan and Tong Li. Journal of Econometrics 162, 2011.

Working Papers

"On the Timing of Auctions: The Effects of Complementarities on Sequential and Simultaneous Bidding," with Alex Arsenault-Morin and Hayri Alper Arslan. First revision resubmitted, RAND Journal of Economics.

"Dynamic Oligopoly in Procurement Auction Markets," with Dakshina de Silva and Pasquale Schiraldi.

"Displays, Sales, and In-Store Search in Retail Markets."

Work in Progress

"Price Reference Effects in Consumer Demand," with Martin Pesendorfer.

"A Structural Model of Product-Line Pricing," with Isis Durrmeyer, Andras Niedermayer, and Artyom Shneyerov.